Kampagne für Entschuldung und Entschädigung im südlichen Afrika

Campagne pour l'annulation des dettes et les réparations en Afrique australe

International Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign


Khulumani Support Group

Khulumani Support Group (KSG) was established in 1995 by the survivors and families of the victims of the political conflict of South Africa’s past apartheid’s regime. As a non-governmental organisation KSG is constituted by victims of apartheid-era violence in South Africa. Through its programmes, the organisation supports victims in their efforts to restore their own dignity and to rebuild their lives with the goal of facilitating their reintegration into mainstream society.
Khulumani means "Speak Out" in Zulu and was formed as an umbrella body operating under the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), until it de-linked itself in 1999.
Khulumani had dedicated most of its time and resources in addressing the demands of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) up to 2000. From 2001 to date, Khulumani has concentrated on winding-up the major issues that have formed the “TRC Unfinished Business”.

Jubilee South Africa

Jubilee South Africa struggles for the cancellation and repudiation of apartheid debt and other illegitimate debt and the payment of reparations in order to combat the negative impact of HIV/AIDS, poverty, and globalisation.

SANGOCO - South African NGO Coalition

Some of SANGOCO members - Freedom of Expression Institute and the Environmental Justice Network are leading members of the Jubilee South Africa campaign.
On 11 November 2002, the Khulumani Support Group, an organisation of survivors of apartheid violence, instituted a lawsuit in the U S against 23 multinational corporations, for their role in human rights abuses committed in apartheid South Africa. The lawsuit is supported by Jubilee South Africa and a number of national and international organizations.

KOSA - Koordination südliches Afrika, Deutschland

Die Koordination Südliches Afrika e.V. ist ein bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von entwicklungspolitischen Gruppen und Einzelpersonen, die thematisch zur Region Südliches Afrika arbeiten. Seit Ende August 2001 ist KOSA auch Nachfolgeorganisation des Vereins "Afrika-Süd Aktionsbündnis" (AAB), der ehemaligen Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung. Die Koordinations- und Geschäftsstelle der KOSA befindet sich seit 1995 im Welthaus Bielefeld e.V.
In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die KOSA schwerpunktmäßig mit den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Region Südliches Afrika und der Europäischen Union beschäftigt.
Seit mehr als zwei Jahren beteiligt sich KOSA aktiv an der "Internationalen Kampagne für Entschuldung und Entschädigung im Südlichen Afrika".

Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, P.L.L.C. - Apartheid Litigation

Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll is one of very few firms to maintain a practice group devoted to vindicating international human rights. The Human Rights Practice group has represented individuals who were victims of forced and slave labor, torture, sexual violence, crimes against humanity and other violations of international law in cases against both government and private corporate wrongdoers.

Center for Constitutional Rights

Committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is a non-profit legal and educational organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
CCR uses litigation proactively to advance the law in a positive direction, to empower poor communities and communities of color, to guarantee the rights of those with the fewest protections and least access to legal resources, to train the next generation of constitutional and human rights attorneys, and to strengthen the broader movement for constitutional and human rights.

Odious Debts

Welcome to Probe International's Odious Debts Web site: The Internet source for information about the global odious debt movement. We provide:
An e-library of legal information about the principle of odious debt
A forum for citizens and advocacy groups throughout the world to post details of their country's odious debts and describe the efforts made to establish the illegal nature of these debts
An archive of information relevant to legal challenges to Third World debt

Aktion Finanzplatz

Informationen der Aktion Finanzplatz zu den Apartheidklagen


Ergebnisse der Recherchiergruppe Schweiz-Südafrika. Informationen zur Publikationsreihe "Apartheid-Connections"